Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Well I have started this little venture at the encouragement of my long time friend and blogger Otis. My hobby is live concert recording, and this blog will be focused on my hobby. I will post stories, concert reviews, taping experiences and so forth. More importantly I will use this to let people know when I have posted new shows for download onto my website. I have been recording shows for over 10 years now, and I have come a long way from using the house tape deck to record shows at the Blue Note. My current equipment includes an Edirol FA-101 multitrack soundcard and a pair of studio projects C4 mics. The majority of the shows that I record are multitrack recordings that include the soundboard feed, my mics, and direct feeds from some of the instruments. I personally think that most of my recordings are pretty damn good and worth a listen. On my site I will have links to download my recordings in MP3 or SHN formats. The site will include show information, set lists, as well as anything of interest that might have happened during the set. The recordings are free for all to download and enjoy. I feel that music is best when it is live, and I find that the live setting separates the great bands from the good.
Here is my first piece of advice for all concert goers, show up early. I have found that the bands I like will tour with small regional bands that I end up liking as well that I would never have heard if I hadn’t gone to the show early. You will also find that I record all bands at the shows I go to if I am allowed to tape. This is because 1) for the reason I just stated above and 2) all bands deserve to be taped. Here is my reasoning behind my number 2, even the worst band out there in MY opinion has a fan that would love to hear a recording of the show (even if it’s the bassist mom). Further, every band out there is doing something I could never do, write a song and play it on stage. For that reason alone I like to support the small band and provide them another possible outlet to promote their music. Now back to reason number one. I can name three bands in the last year that blew me away that I would not have known about if I had not gone to the show early and listened to the opening act. For the inquiring mind that would be Illinois, The Felice Brothers, and Dr. Dog. These are three great bands that played mind blowing sets of music, that lead me to buy great CDs of music, and have been added to my list of favorite bands.
If you stick with me and this blog, and if I stick with it as well, you will find that I have a very eclectic taste in music and I try to go to about 2 shows a month. When the times get slow I just might start posting some of the past shows that I have recorded over the years to fill in the gaps. I plan to modify the look of this blog as I get time and get a better understanding of how to monkey around with the site. I hope that my friend Otis will be able to give me some advice on that front. Some of the features I hope to add include an MP3 player to allow people to sample my latest recordings as well as a list of upcoming show I plan to attend. If anything happens to be coming to Columbia, MO that I should not miss drop me a note and I will try to make the show. Enough about me for now. Look for a review of my best of 2007 live recordings that I will be posting to my site soon

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